Dear HEA Members,
The Bylaws Committee (Maeve Torres, Ted Kempinski, Lauren Sanguedolce) met twice in the last month to review the HEA Bylaws. We have a number of proposed additions to the HEA Bylaws that we would like to share with you. These additions are necessary so that we can welcome our newest members, the School Safety Specialists (formerly “security guards”, in the near future.
The School Safety Specialists have organized to become part of a union. They chose the HEA to represent them in contract negotiations. To accept the charge and welcome them into the HEA, we need to incorporate them into our bylaws.
These proposals were already shared with the Board of Directors at our meeting on January 28. Now we are sharing them with you. Please take a moment to read the proposals. You may send your questions and/or concerns to the Bylaws Committee or to your Building Representatives. The Board of Directors will vote on whether to accept the proposed additions at the next meeting on Thursday, February 25.
Thank you for your time. Enjoy your well deserved VACATION!
Lauren Sanguedolce
HEA Treasurer
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