Board of Directors was called to order by President Barry Davis at 4:19 pm. In attendance were President Barry Davis, 1st Vice President Suzette Ditono, 2nd Vice President Liz Briggs, Treasurer Lauren Sanguedolce, Membership Chair Katelyn Watts, Secretary Cliff Ashbrook, ESP Representative Lynn Sullivan, Clerk Representative Vickie Steed, and Security Rep Ray Florent. The following buildings were represented by their Building Representatives: Bradford, Consentino, Golden Hill, Haverhill High School, Hunking, Moody, Moody Ext., Nettle, Pentucket Lake, Silver Hill, Tilton, and JG Whittier.
Acceptance of the minutes for the June 8, 2023 Board of Directors meeting: Motion to accept the minutes was made and seconded, Motion passes. Motion to accept the Membership Chair and Treasurer’s reports was made and seconded.
Acceptance of Agenda for the Board of Directors meeting: Motion to accept the agenda was made and seconded, motion passes.
- Call to Order – President Barry Davis:
- Congratulations to a full room of Building Reps
- Recognition of new members
- Review of agenda and goal of agenda
- Recognition of Reps who are ESPs
- Introducing EBoard members. Introducing Jean Venette from the MTA
- Acceptance of Reports – Motion and second needed for acceptance of reports that were sent for review in advance of the 9/19/2023 meeting – Reports Can Be Found Here, please read before meeting
- Membership Report
- Treasurer’s Report
Motion to add Problems and Concerns to agenda made by Deb Russell. Seconded by Dana McNamara. Motion passes.
Deb Russell: Stated the importance of addressing problems and concerns that Reps bring to these meetings.
Barry Davis: The idea of leaving it off, isn’t that we don’t want to talk about. It’s that we don’t want to wait until Rep meetings for them to be brought up. Eboard can act as necessary immediately.
Deb Russell: Who do we bring them to?
Barry Davis: It depends. Membership issues would go to Katelyn. Grievable issues to Suzette. Dana McNamara: It’s important to know if the problem/concern is happening all throughout the buildings.
Barry Davis: The EBoard can reach out as needed to other buildings, hear feedback and get all the information. Timeline issues happened in the past. Not disagreeing with that. Can we do a Google Form?
Suzette Dittono: Like reports, everyone submits problems and concerns using a Google Form. That way we are better prepared.
Irina Ostrovskaya: Important space to have problems and concerns.
Barry Davis: We are trying to build new systems. We are figuring out what works and doesn’t work. If people have issues today, I have no problem talking about them today.
Motion made, seconded, passed to add Problems and Concerns to Agenda Item Number 10.
- Building Rep Training
- Building Rep 101 with Jean Vennette, MTA Rep
- MTA offers Field Rep training and Building Rep training
- What does an organizer do? Build involvement
- Develop maps and charts – a structure organization – build relationships
- One on one conversations are important for getting information to people and to get people to events. Especially the 10 minute building meeting. This gets people together but offers updates.
- Find common interests to help bring people together.
- Know the contract in and out.
Barry Davis: The plan is to have at each meeting time to look at certain parts of the contract, hit the big ones first, then you’ll get used to reading and interpreting the contract.
- Weingarten Rights – Right to representation if you’ve been called to a meeting, even if an admin is saying it’s not investigatory.
Barry Davis: Most of us will be the people to go to the meetings.
Heidi Michitson– A teacher meets weekly with the admin to go over what is happening in the union.
Barry Davis: I meet with my principal often to upkeep things. Informing what teachers are upset about or concerns are important items. It’s important to have relationships with admin.
Suzette Dittono: if they are telling them what is happening from emails then most admin already know.
- Review of Weingarten rights. Tell members to tell the truth. Ask for a break if needed. Stay calm. Ask clarifying questions. Answer ONLY what is asked.
- Review of what happens if there is a potential violation of contract.
- Difference between unknowingly breaking a contract vs. knowingly. Most building based breaks of contract are lack of knowledge.
- What is Just Cause? As a union member, you can still be disciplined, but it must be just cause – Does the punishment fit the action?
- Grievances – Past practice – issues that are not being addressed in the contract. If something happened at the high school for 20 years and it was suddenly changed, then why has it changed? That’s a grievance.
- HEA Building Rep Binders – Katelyn Watts, Lauren Sanguedolce
- Binders available for every Rep with a copy of the bylaws, teacher’s contract, and security will be printed and added. ESP and Clerk not included yet since they are still being bargained. Building rep binder folder was shared digitally. Everything in the physical binder is in the Google Drive folder.
- Checklist – Removed dollar amount for each activity. But the expectation is that you are fulfilling the responsibilities of a building rep.
- Membership lists are also shared
- Safety Form – Suzette
- Important to get members to report assaults via the Google Form
- 5 assaults were added this year from last school year
- We need the data so we can get changes and support. The district does not keep the data. So we need a way to prove what’s happening in our schools.
- Suzette will follow up with every one who submits the Form
- Reminder that Form is to be completed via personal email
- Reminder to not use school email to complete form
- QR code is in the Rep binder. Form takes 2 minutes to fill out
- We can’t act if we don’t know about the assaults
- Fill out Google Form and an incident report that goes to school administration
- We need the facts to push back against administration
- Form is for ANYONE to complete. If you are assaulted, fill out the form. No educator should be assaulted.
- Intimidating behaviors – kids getting into your face.
- Form breakdown came out of OSHA guidelines.
- District has pushed back that it’s not being documented in School Brains so we need to document it. We need a history of it.
- Where is it logged? In communications on School Brains. We’re also asking if you put it in school brains, and if you are allowed to.
- What if IST is assaulted? So not part of the union? It’s messy. Reach out to Forest.
- ESPs – ask teachers to log for you if you don’t have access
- Who is being assaulted – 50% teachers, 1 security, and the rest are ESPs
- When members are assaulted, they need to tell you, the union Rep.
- We are pushing with the district that there is no follow up for staff who are part of violent events.
- Emotionally unsafe classrooms – we need to know. Kids are also being traumatized.
- Did you have to seek medical attention? Yes 33% no 67%. If you get hit, you need to be seen. Take care of yourself. Get checked.
- Keep copies of everything.
- Need to submit incident reports to administration of school
- Kids are assaulting and nothing is happening to them. So we are also tracking that.
- Can use Dean’s List for middle schools that have access to it
- Does anyone tell you to seek medical attention: yes 37% no 62%
- Patrick has been added as an ESP Rep to Safety Committee
- Administration side is made up of: Superindement Marotta, Bonnie Antkowiak, Maureen Irons, Deb Ibanez, Jamie Dion, and Vickie Hernandez Bailey was also added
- Bradford Elementary is being told there are no consequences.
- A suggestion was made to bring in MTA Safety Advisor
- Can we retroactively submit forms? YES
- Meeting Expectations – Barry Davis
- Attendance – The expectation is that you (Reps) are here at every meeting. The HEA Calendar is available. With overabundance of Reps, we understand that stuff comes up, please coordinate with other Reps in your buildings. You are the face/voice of the union in your building. If members see you at things, they will come to things. Be at City Hall Stand Outs, bargaining sessions, etc.. Our ESPs might be dealing with 2nd jobs, etc. so please let us know. We set a tone for the HEA.
- Simplified Rules of Order – Robert’s Rules are outdated. Barry has proposed using the simplified rules of order which are found in the Rep binders, it will let you know how to make motions, vote, etc.. The goal of the Board of Directors meeting is to govern. This is the highest governing body of the HEA. The EBoard makes decisions based on the Board of Directors. We have the chance to make a democratic impact. Let’s do it.
- Bargaining Update
- Clerk Bargaining – Vickie Steed
- Clerks came together and made a 3 page proposal with 7 financial asks. Clerks were denied everything. Clerks settled on a raise of 4% 3% 3%. Agreed to give 12 month 20 year employees a 5th week of vacation. (Note: Instead of earning 4 merit days, impacted Clerks get an automatic 5 days off) Now waiting to see if the last step will get $1000 dollars for Step 7. Meeting is scheduled for September 27th, but has now been asked to postpone. Right now the offer is $500 dollars on the last Step.
- ESP Bargaining – Lynn Sullivan
- ESPs have had negotiations since the beginning of April. ESPs have been told NO to every proposal. Now ESPs are not discussing proposals until compensation is agreed upon. Latest offer is 4% 3% 3%. Scheduled to meet again tomorrow, September 20th. Made some progress when Connely kept quiet but Connely stalls, lectures and the SC continues to allow it. We need everyone to come out and support the ESPs. Disgusting that Connely is allowed to speak to ESPs like that. Update on Thursday Night: Mayor tried to squash voices, the HEA didn’t allow it to happen. The SC was supposed to go into Executive Session after the meeting even though they all said they didn’t need Executive Session but then 3 members voted to go into Executive Session. The Mayor walked out.
Barry Davis: Superintendent Marotta came to talk to me today to say that they didn’t have an Executive Session so there is nothing for the upcoming negotiations. So we need to make a decision to postpone negotiations.
Lynn Sullivan: Suggestion to only ask members to show up if we have meaningful negotiations.
Barry Davis: They are strategically not canceling the meeting. They want us to cancel so they can say we canceled it.
- At the table –
- Action items – Vote on whether to cancel the ESP Bargaining Session or not. Vote Passes to cancel the ESP Bargaining Session
- Political Action Committee Update – Dan Sullivan and Andrew Lefoley
- Process – Committee worked over the summer. The goal of the committee was to capitalize on power gained by the strike and from the change in the ward system. Nicole Sanchez, Laura Peck, Joanna Dix met. Barry sat in as a non voting member. Committee came up with a plan, EBoard recommended changes, and changes were made. Candidates were sent surveys, interviewed, and we as HEA did endorsements.
- Results
- Endorsements
- Mayor – No Endorsement
- City Council – Councilor at Large: Fred Simmons, John Michitson, Colin Lepage, Ward 2: Katrina Hobbs Everett, Ward 3: Devan M Ferreira, Ward 5: Michael Morales
- School Committee – Ward 4: Mikaela D Lalumiere, Ward 5: Jill Taylor Story, Ward 6: Yonnie Collins, Ward 7: Thomas W. Grannemann
- Preliminary Elections
- Results
- Ward 1 School Committee – Discussion
- Ward 1 is the most heavily Spanish speaking ward in the city. This ward needs a voice more than other wards. Someone was running, dropped out. Now someone is running as a write-in candidate.
- Write-in candidate has entered the race, the committee has collected a survey and is in process of setting up an interview. Looking for guidance on what to do if the committee believes the candidate is worth backing and HEA supporting a write-in campaign.
- Erica Diaz. ESP for 11 years. 2 kids through HPS. Positions: Involve more parents who don’t interface with the district often. Important for translation to non English speaking parents. Wanted living wage for ESPs. Spoke at length about MCAS being damaging to students.
- After the meeting, the committee met to discuss endorsing. They decided to recommend to endorse.
- The committee is asking the Board of Directors to approve for the PAC to put out another all member vote, specifically just for Erica Diaz, where members can vote to endorse, no endorsement. The others ask for Reps is to share information about Erica Diaz at the 10 minute building meetings. Bring information that Andrew just shared. Election would be for next week.
Barry Davis: People need to know that she exists as a write-in candidate. You have to write their full legal name and correct address.
Lisa Bongo: Can we add that information to an all member email?
Note: Motion was made to approve, was seconded, and passed. 1 abstained.
- New Business –
- Agenda for 10 Minute building meetings – Reps make it together
- Ask ESPs to stay an extra 10 minutes or separate ESP and Teacher meetings. Very few buildings only have 1 Rep. There are ways to split the load. Map the buildings so you can spread the information and have people check in.
- Systems take time to build. You won’t have 100% participation at the first meeting. If we have the systems, then the 10 minute meeting will grow and become more powerful.
- Cliff put the 10 minute meeting agenda in the minutes and we will send it out. Barry will send out the 10 minute meeting agenda to the whole membership.
- Safety Form – Scan and bookmark the form
- Katelyn has half a page with flowchart and QR code
- Political Action Committee update with write ups
- ESP and Clerk negotiation updates and information
- Push membership sign ups
- Thrive Act Information
- Review upcoming dates, discuss building based issues
- Weingarten Rights reminder and overview
- Personal days – any unused are carried over as sick days
- Membership Sign up strategies – Katelyn Watts – Everyone has sign up forms for each unit in the Rep binder and Google Drive folder. Have conversations with non members about the benefits of being in the HEA and talk about dues. Anyone highlighted in red is not a member. ESPs need to be recruited into HEA. Building reps will get a small prize for the most sign ups.
- Thrive Act – Barry Davis – The MTA has been involved in campaigns before, now the MTA is writer and originator of a ballot question. The MCAS has graduation requirements, this has a direct effect on students in Haverhill. MCAS is for white upper class suburbs. We have petitions that need to be filled out. Everyone will get 5 forms each, try to get people to fill them out. Legible signatures are needed or just print names. Get people who live in the same towns on the same form. Forms can’t be photocopied.
Question: Can we do this during working hours?
Do this during preps, lunches, before/after school. Don’t do it with students in front of you. The more signatures, the better as it gets it on the ballot and the more pressure it puts on officials.
- Ballot Question Petition
- Thrive Act
- Ballot Question Petition
- Misprint Issues
- How you can help
- How to properly fill out a form
- Ballot Question Petition
- Sign Today! – barry/jean pass around petition forms.
- Thrive Act
- How you can help
- Diana Dizoglio Ballot Question –
- Audit State House – Petition to audit state house
- Interested in helping? – Let Barry know
- Alternative School’s –
- Issues at Bartlett –
- Need for Representation –
- People from Bartlett
- Grievance Report – Suzette Dittono- Title 1 events have started being planned. Those are supposed to be planned by facilitators with a nice stipend. Jobs are supposed to be posted this week. ESPs can apply if no one else has applied yet.
- President’s Report
- Litigation Update – It’s over!
- Early September Vote
- Labor Board Ruling
- Thursday’s Vote
- Upcoming Dates
- September 20th- ESP Negotiating
- September 27th- Clerk bargaining
- September 28th- School Committee Meeting
- October 4th- Safety Committee Meeting with District per Teacher Return to Work Agreement
- October 10th- HEA Executive Committee
- October 12th- School Committee Meeting
- October 13th-14th MTA Board of Directors Meeting
- October 24th- HEA Board of Directors Meeting
- October 26th- School Committee Meeting
- Problems and Concerns –
- Dana – Barry is aware of the issue and is looking into it. Some schools have 1 new curriculum, some have 2, some have 3. It is part of the teacher’s duties to teach the curriculum that the school gives them.
- Bradford – Grade 2 has extra PLC time on Friday. Barry: equitable doesn’t mean equal. They have a legitimate reason for doing it, so it’s a difficult one to fight. We can ask for a rotation to get an extra one or if they are a weak team, why not get 3rd grade teachers in to help them. Special Ed should be going to PLC of the grade level they service. Suzette and Barry will get a copy of the schedules to see what they can do.
- Melissa – High School – There is a new procedure for writing referrals that require detention to be used. We don’t have a contract requirement for detention.
- Liz – High School – Admin was receptive to the dress code violation. HHS was told not to wear shirts and hoodies.
- Adjournment – Motion and Second Needed
Motion to adjourn was made, seconded, and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.