The December 9th meeting of the Board of Directors was held virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic.The December 9, 2021 meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Tim Briggs at 4:38 pm. In attendance were President Tim Briggs,1st Vice President Sarah Emilio, 2nd Vice President Liz Briggs, Treasurer Lauren Sanguedolce, Membership Chair Barry Davis, Secretary Deb Russell, ESP Unit Representative Maureen Zuber.. The following buildings were represented by their Building Representatives: Bradford, Consentino, Golden Hill, Haverhill High, Moody, Nettle, Pentucket Lake,Silver Hill, TEACH (Bartlett) Tilton, and Walnut Square.
I. Acceptance of Agenda for the December 9th Board of Directors meeting, Motion was made by Maeve Torres to accept the Agenda of the meeting, seconded by Liz Briggs. Motion passes.
II. Problems and Concerns:
A. Question regarding content teachers being “pulled” to cover another content class. For example, if teachers are out can a music teacher be pulled to teach a content class when they do not have a class? (open block) Yes, but they should not be expected to plan for the class.
B. Longevity- payment for those teachers who are off step. They are just double checking numbers/members. It has been passed by the School Committee.
C. Notification of students who have tested positive: Teachers are not being told. “She is vaccinated so she does not need to be notified.” However there are breakthrough cases. They do not need to be told who the student is but should be told if a student in your class is positive. It needs to be consistent throughout the entire district.
D. ESP was asked to be a LTS. What are they receiving as payment? If they do not have any type of certification they can not get any type of teacher pay. They have 25 per day but not doing any prep/plans. If you are doing the planning you get an extra $30 a day for planning. If you have an Associates degree they pay you at a higher rate. It’s important to look at what the district is asking you to do. Before anyone accepts any position, look carefully at what you are being asked to do. (attend meetings, duties)
A. No new issues, the HEA will be announcing the ESP of the year
IV. Clerical Unit Representative-report given by Maureen Zuber
A. Going over their job descriptions.
V. Treasurer Report
A. Membership 1. 30 clerks 2. 183 ESPs 3. 671 teachers 4. Total 884
B. Bank Information
1. Checking – $307, 931.56
2. Money Market -$138,695.35
3. Scholarship – $167.00
4. Total- $446,793.91
C. Project/Duties
1. Taxes are done and shared with Tim
2. In contact with payroll at Central for new members
3. Purchased items for an all member Goody Bag distribution. Cost of this was $364.92. If anyone would like to come to the HEA Office to help put the bags together, you are certainly welcome.
4. Getting
D. Membership Chair Report 1. Signed up 5 new members and 1 new ESP 2. In the final stages of getting membership lists finalized. 3. Tuesday January 4th Membership Meeting 4. Action Team- has hit a stand still. Start doing union building work. a) Comment-Need to think of something to get people involved and get “stronger” b) Communication- many people were not aware of the annual meeting. Phone trees have been used in some buildings and seem to work well. (1) iContact- maybe we need to look at updating or changing this program to communicate. Google? (2) Should we go to paper notices for “really important” issues, like an Annual meeting. (a) Copier- we will look into the possibility of a new copier. (3) Emails did go out to members regarding the Annual Meeting (4) Do we want to open up our Board of Directors to the general membership? (5) Ask these questions at a building meeting? (a) What will motivate you to attend meetings and actions? (b) What can we (the HEA) do to communicate better?
E. Secretary’s Report1. Nothing to report
F. 2nd Vice President Report 1. Working on securing a venue for Honors Banquet 2. Community Drive a) Food Drive in February around Valentines (Heart of Haverhill 3. Scholarship- start our ask for donations in January G.
1st Vice President 1. Joint Labor Committee Meeting a) HHS SPED teachers and ESPs covering classes. Superintendent has spoken to principals about ESPs getting compensated for covering classes (after 6 classes $25) b) ESPs staying after hours, Sandra MacArthur will be looking into getting compensated. c) Clerks collecting fees for Chromebooks d) Curriculum Coaches are not evaluators e) PD requirements- any work to be given during the PD time and not as homework. f) Meetings during preps/ lunches Deb Ibanez is going to make sure that ETFs are aware that no meetings are to be held during prep or lunch g) CPT/PLC committee will be restarted at the beginning of the year. January 4th at 1:00PM h) Freshman teachers losing some lunch time- Superintendent will be asking the School Committee for some type of financial compensation. i) Joint Labor next meeting is Tuesday December 14th at 4PM 2. Grievance Update a) Reprimands- attempting to get these letters out of the files (1) Not wearing a Mask (2) Videotaping b) Next Meeting is Wednesday December 15th at 7PM.
VI. President’s Report A. Old Business 1. MOA- School Committee is going to meet in Executive session regarding the MOA 2. Fiscal 21-22 Teacher Update a) It was approved, Bill Cox checked that names were correct and Sandra was going to check with payroll 3. Security Specialists a) Lost 3 at HHS- 2 to other jobs and 1 to Nettle b) Negotiations- going to the full board in Executive Session with the compensation package. 4. Merrimack Valley Educators Bargaining Council a) Membership was approved. Fee-$884 which is $1.00 per member B. New Business 1. MTA is working on merging the MOA into the old contracts for the ESPs and Clerks. 2. Joint Corona Response Team a) SEL of students and social media. Half PD regarding the dangers of social media. Mass General/Dr. Maddox arranging for the PD. 3. Job Postings a) Concerns- SS job being posted for only 3 days. It is supposed to be posted for 10 days after being posted on school spring. 4. Dean of ELL- adding it to the differential. It has to be negotiated and memorialized in our contract. It cannot just be added to what is already in contract. 5. Annual Meeting a) Disappointed by the number of members who attended. 6. ESP of the Year nomination is Maureen Zuber.
Motion to adjourn was made by Maureen Zuber and seconded by Vicki Steed. Meeting was adjourned at 6:05.