President Tim Briggs, 1st Vice President Barry Davis, 2nd Vice President Liz Briggs, Treasurer Lauren Sanguedolce, Secretary Deb Russell, and Clerical Representative Vicki Steed. The following buildings were represented by their Building Representatives: Bradford, Consentino, Haverhill High, Hunking, Pentucket Lake,Silver Hill, Tilton, Walnut Square and Whittier.
HEA Board of Directors Minutes
March 23, 2023
The March 23, 2023 meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Tim Briggs at 4:16 pm. In attendance were President Tim Briggs, 1st Vice President Barry Davis, 2nd Vice President Liz Briggs, Treasurer Lauren Sanguedolce, Secretary Deb Russell, and Clerical Representative Vicki Steed.
The following buildings were represented by their Building Representatives: Bradford, Consentino,Haverhill High,Hunking,Pentucket Lake,Silver Hill, Tilton,Walnut Square and Whittier.
Acceptance of Agenda for the March 23, 2023 Board of Directors meeting:Motion to accept the agenda was made by Deb Cominsky and seconded by Christine Hickey . Motion passed.
Acceptance of the minutes for the February 9, 2023 meeting. Motion was made by Katelyn Watt to accept the minutes by and seconded by Christine Hickey. Motion passes.
- ESP Report- given by Katelyn Watts
- Last meeting went very well, most of the proposals are all and continue to work on the slides for the first bargaining session and all ESP meeting (April 5th at 7:00)
- Dates for bargaining with School Committee- April 10 at 4:00 anyone is welcome to observe and April 24th at 4:00 and May 8th at 4:00
II.Clerical Unit Representative Report
- Bargaining Meeting- still in the process of building numbers.
- Putting together the platform for bargaining.
III. Membership Chair Report
- Working on recruitment: Working on OT and then will move on to another unit.
IV Treasurer’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report 3/23/2023
- Ledger 2/9/2023 to 3/23/2023
- Building Reps please go back to your building and report on the budget so we may vote on the budget at the April Board of Directors meeting
- Proposed HEA Budget 2023-2024
- Security Specialist- $5,000 in budget but we have only 1 member and have proposed in the bylaws an increase.
- Dues
- teachers-increase $25, which would be an increase of $1.25 per paycheck
- ESPs – increase of $7.50 which would be an increase of $.38 per paycheck
- Clerks- increase $15 which would be an increase of $.75 per paycheck.
- This would bring in an additional $39,000.
- Proposed HEA Budget 2023-2024
- Secretary’s Report
- Bylaws- committee met and will present changes in April.
- Election-nomination period will begin next week. 3/30. Election will be electronically on April 27th
VI 2nd Vice President’s Report
- HEA Gear is coming.
- Scholarship- 80/20 raffle- Reps please distribute to mailboxes and collect.
VIII. 1st Vice President
- Unpaid Days- Superintendent is qualified to approve unpaid days.
- Bill- Teacher salary. Protect our Fair Share monies- part of the MTA agenda
- Annual Meeting of Delegates- if we do not have 21 we will enact a search committee. If there are more than 21 then we will need to have an election.
- President’s Report-
- Old Business
- Teachpoint PDPs- used to assist in licensure, not so anymore. Their system is a disaster.
- Labor Board Meeting
- Attny Connolly- 300,000 nothing to do to settle the strike. Money they are asking for is to pay for staff who went into the building. Labor Board is not going to settle in our favor
- YES for Consentino- momentum from our strike. Hard to support when the city is still trying to extort the HEA. 980 MTA members living in Haverhill. We need to push them to vote. Vote is on June 6th.
- New Business
- Evaluation Committee in contract- haven’t put it together yet.
- THRIVE Act- replacing the MCAS.
- Letters- if any members receive a letter, please be there with them. They need representation. You are just there to make sure things don’t go “south”
- Safety Committee
- April 4th is the next meeting. Not much news to report. No consequences are given. Some are asking for training on Restorative Training and told no. Common sense approaches are being ignored.
- Badges do not allow staff access into other buildings. When an ALICE drill requires you to go inside another building when there is an active shooter how can you seek refuge in another building.
- Problems and Concerns
- Clarification on delayed openings- Superintendent’s decision, it is a managerial right. Come in as close to contractual time or when you deem it safe to do so.
- Interventionists- Golden Hill were asked to leave “plans” and work for when you are not in the building.
- PD- approved and then was told “we need you to be with the kids” and split the PD with the other interventionist.
- ESPs are the only ones providing SPED services. There are not enough staff. Some students never see a SPED teacher.
- Flow Chart- Assault protocol- has that gone out?
- Dismissal- taking attendance/spreadsheet.
- When ESPs cover for teachers- They are not entitled to a prep but a 30min lunch.
Motion to adjourn was made and passed. Meeting was adjourned at 6:00pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Deb Russell
HEA Secretary