In attendance were President Ted Kempinski, 1st and 2nd Vice President Anthony Parolisi, Treasurer Jill Perkins-Bouchard and ESP Unit Representative Lois Silva as were representatives from Bradford, Golden Hill, Greenleaf, Haverhill High, Hunking, Nettle, Pentucket Lake, Silver Hill, Tilton, Walnut Square and Whittier.
HEA Minutes
Faculty Representatives Meeting
October 25, 2018
The October 25, 2018 Faculty Representatives’ meeting of the Haverhill Education Association was called to order at 4:07 p.m. by President Ted Kempinski
- Acceptance of Minutes:
- A motion to accept the minutes of the September 27, 2018 meeting, with section IG amended change to “have arrived” from “be coming” is made by Deb Russell and seconded by Jill Perkins-Bouchard and approved by all.
- President’s Report
- Haverhill Education Association Member Organizer job description was prepared and distributed for review. Ted is looking for E-board to approve document in order to post to members for applications.
- Springboard-For profit company running extended day programs at several schools. (Hunking, Consentino, Whittier) In November 2017 they contacted the district. HEA is reviewing a large number of documents that were given by the district.
- Issues
- Competes with Discovery Club
- Hiring teachers for $18-$22/hr which is less than contractual rate.
- Never bargained with School Committee. School Committee was unaware that Jared Fulgoni signed contract 2 days before he left HPS.
- District was slow to respond to HEA requests.
- Superintendent didn’t know, School Committee didn’t know, but HPS Business Manager Brian O’Connell emailed asking permission to sign contract, admitting knowledge. Superintendent learned about this on 9/7/18 and did not talk to Ted until he spoke to her on 10/18
- HEA is asking members not to apply to Springboard positions.
- Member at Hunking reports the Principal is “unhappy” with program and it is “burdensome on the building”
- Questions raised…When does contract expire? Can the actions of the School Committee void contract?
- Issues
- New Business
- NEA organizing grant approved $5,000, we are one of few locals who qualified and received the grant. Partially used to fund the HEA Organizer positions that were recently created.
- Discussion: Ted explained the workload facing the Executive Board and need for organizers.
- Organizers should be from all levels and include ESP’s and clerical.
- Target members who attend our events and those members who are not already reps. Strong personalities, who seem to be a good fit for the job.
- Questions from members:
- Number of organizers needed? 5 or 4
- What if too many/too few apply? -Interview process, small interview committee
- How do we get the word out about the organizers? Email, social media, flyers
- What about duties of HEA organizer position? MTA has job description that can be used as a model. Should clarify duties in order to have more transparency.
- Kevin T-possible duties:
- Questions from members:
Member surveys
Help Jill review memberships/contact info
Next Generation training.
Generally assist E-Board in bringing issues to HEA’s attention.
- Board agreed to table issue and await revisions discussed.
- 2nd Vice President Special Election-needs to be held, position requirements-should be a person dedicated to meeting the requirements of the position.
- Staff Assaults: if any student so much as touches as staff member, throws something at you, members should immediately:
- File an incident report with the school nurse.
- File a workman’s compensation report with the school secretary.
- Go to the doctor. (it can be any doctor)
- Notify Ted or a member of the Executive Board
- Misistreatment
- Assaulted by students
- Involuntary transfer of building reps or anyone who raises issues.
- covering lunches at Silver Hill
- Teachers mistreated by supervisors/principals. Feeling pressure
from the top and it is leading many administrators to exert undue
influence over teachers throughout the district. HEA is monitoring the
situation as they are reported by members.
III. 1st/2nd Vice President Report
- Negotiations: Next team meeting will be October 29th. Next Bargaining session is 11/15. Building actions to take place on 11/16.
- Grievances: Anthony updated members on various grievances at Level I, II and III.
- Treasurer Report
- 926 Members
- Checking $333,615 reserves $38,293
- Secretary Report
- 2nd VP Election- upcoming
- Secretarial Unit-
- Absent-no report
VII. ESP Unit Representative
- Contracts are available on line and can be printed
VIII. Problems and Concerns
- Teacher raises- should be seen on the 11/2 pay check
- Salary Scale is being reviewed, contract should be finalized shortly
- SLP at GH is the Lead Teacher, gets a stipend and will be on maternity leave. She was officially hired on 10/19 although had been performing the duties of Lead Teacher since the summer. Being told she will not be paid the stipend. Ted will look into the situation.
- 1st term grades: Close on 11/30 report cards issued for 12/5, not sufficient time. 2nd term grades give 12 days between grades closing and report cards being issued. HEA will speak to Central Office
Motion to Adjourn made by Leslye Zylkuski and seconded by Deb Russell. Meeting adjourned at 5:49 p.m.