Sisters and Brothers, The public health data continues to improve, though it appears that progress has slowed in the past week. The average daily incidence rate has dropped from 26.9 per 100,000 residents a week ago to 25.9. Similarly, Haverhill’s positivity rate is lower this week from 4.48% to 4.25%. Once this rate drops below […]
Call to Action: Support our ESPs!
Hello Everyone, Last night, more than half of all of the Haverhill ESPs in our union gathered for a general meeting to discuss the most recent proposals by the School Committee. The members of the bargaining team were able to provide all who attended with a brief overview of negotiations. After many sessions over the […]
ESP Bargaining – Restart Update #8
. . . Or is it now officially a “false start”? The ESP Negotiation Team met with the SC today to resume negotiations for a successor agreement to our contract which expired on June 30, 2020. The good news is that we had nine Educational Support Professionals who participated as observers to hear first-hand what […]
Update from Clerical Contract Negotiations!
Good Evening, Here is a quick update from our bargaining meeting that was held on February 22. I want to first give a big “Thank You!” to the members who showed up for our meeting. In addition to our core bargaining team which includes Patty MacRae and Sara Moccio, we were joined for the first […]
Update from the Action Team
Hello Union Siblings, This weekend’s monumental strike vote by the educators at Greater Lawrence Technical School (AFT-MA Local 1707) and the subsequent and absolute cave-in by the GLTS School Committee demonstrated once again that our collective power as a union is always greater than the sum of our individual parts. In that spirit, the Contract […]
Joint Labor Committee
Dear Sisters and Brothers, The Joint Labor Committee is looking for volunteers to assist with the development of language for district-wide Common Planning Time & Professional Learning Communities. Ideally, there will be 2 representatives per level with one a classroom teacher and the other a special education, English Language or Special / Elective teacher so that […]
ESP Bargaining – Restart Update #7
ESP Bargaining – Restart Update #7 The ESP negotiating team met with the SC on February 10, at 5:00 pm, to continue our work toward settling our contract. We were informed that Rich Rosa left their team and has been replaced by Toni Donais. Mrs Donais spoke in favor of finding a way to increase […]
Proposed Bylaws Amendment
Dear HEA Members, The Bylaws Committee (Maeve Torres, Ted Kempinski, Lauren Sanguedolce) met twice in the last month to review the HEA Bylaws. We have a number of proposed additions to the HEA Bylaws that we would like to share with you. These additions are necessary so that we can welcome our newest members, the […]
Teachers: ESP’s Need Your Support!
Hello Union Siblings, Teachers: the Education Support Professionals our students rely upon need YOUR help today. After what seemed to be a positive School Committee Meeting in December, where members of the Committee made a verbal commitment to a Living Wage for our ESPs, they pulled the rug out from under them by offering only […]
MTA Statewide Meeting Tuesday, February 9th
Please see the following message from the MTA and join us on Tuesday, February 9th for an important all-member meeting. From MTA President Merrie Najimy and Vice President Max Page Join us for a VIRTUAL Statewide Rank and File member meeting with regional meetings all in one night. Tuesday, February 9 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 […]