Sisters and Brothers, As you may have heard, in addition to those cases of Covid-positive staff members reported across the district last week, the Haverhil Public Schools have confirmed the District’s first cases of staff-to-staff transmission inside the Consentino School. Staff there are working remotely through Wednesday, and the District has worked with Pentucket Medical […]
JSCRT Update 10/29/20
Sisters and Brothers, The Joint Stakeholder Coronavirus Response Team has concluded its weekly review of Haverhill’s Weekly Covid-19 Public Health Report. The current average daily incidence rate has fallen again from 13.1 to 12.0 per 100,000 residents, down from 20 three weeks ago, and the percent positivity rate increased slightly, but not enough to be […]
JSCRT Update
Good Evening, The Joint Stakeholder Coronavirus Response Team has just met for its fourth regular meeting of educators, parents, and public health officials. Unbeknownst to several of us, the state government is now releasing the weekly data report on Thursdays at 4:00 pm, so the information we have tonight is limited. We did receive a […]
ESP Bargaining Update #1
ESP Bargaining Restart Update #1 Tonight the ESP Bargaining Team resumed contract negotiations which had temporarily been put on hold in order for both the HEA and School Committee to focus on the Return to School MOA. It was a positive and productive meeting as the School Committee reviewed and discussed previous HEA Proposals. They […]
Clarification on Wednesdays
Sisters and Brothers, I apologize if there was any confusion regarding the previous message signed by Superintendent Marotta and me. While one of the primary reasons for agreeing that educators would have the option to work remotely on Wednesdays was to accommodate members with childcare issues, the language of the MOA does not stipulate that […]
MOA Ratified!
Good Evening, We are pleased to share with you that the Memorandum of Agreement Related to COVID -19 between the Haverhill School Committee and the Haverhill Education Association has been ratified by a vote of 336-152. Negotiations have been ongoing for several months and have required patience, understanding and compromise from all involved. We are […]
Final Draft of MOA
Wait for Final MOA Continues
Update from Joint Stakeholder Coronavirus Task Force Tonight, the JSCRT met for the 3rd time to review the latest COVID-19 public health report data. While Haverhill still remains in the “red” category, our community’s average daily incidence rate per 100,000 has dropped to 16.5 down from a high of 20 a week ago. The […]
Update on Tentative Agreement
Sisters and Brothers, By now, I had hoped that you would have had a final draft of a Memorandum of Understanding between the HEA and the Haverhill School Committee and spent the last several hours engaged in vigorous democratic debate about its merits and shortcomings. Unfortunately, we only received the School Committee’s comments on the […]
Updates from MOU and JSCRT
Sisters and Brothers, Tonight our core bargaining team sat down one final time and reached another tentative agreement with the District regarding evaluations. We’ve agreed to limit the number of announced and unannounced observations for educators, and language that states an educator’s evaluation will not be downgraded solely due to a lack of technological expertise. […]